Holocaust Memorial Day

We were honoured to be invited to attend the Holocaust Memorial Day service in Shaw this morning. Standing together for a better future. Impeccable manners and respect from all our pupils and a beautiful verse read confidently and fluently by Jenson.

Fire Safety in the home

Today the Greater Manchester Fire service came to deliver a lesson on Fire Safety in the home. The pupils from Key Stage 2 were presented with some valuable safety informationon how to keep safe.

The visit was completed by a tour of the fire equipment and use of the hose.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit
Thank you to the fire fighters from Greater Manchester Fire service.

Anti-Bullying Week

This year the Anti- Bullying Week theme is “Choose Respect”. We have discussed how we can respect each other and ourselves.
We have produced Acrostic poems about anti bullying and agreed on a ZERO TOLERANCE pledge at our school.
Our odd socks day represented how we are all unique but all respected.