A huge congratulations to all the Farrowdale pupils who completed their LAMDA examination last weekend. Well done for your bravery, confidence and enthusiasm. We are very proud of all our LAMDA pupils and would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Bacon for her dedication.
This week our EYFS learnt all about Christingle and had so much fun making their own to take home.

Introducing our newly elected Head Girl and Head Boy; Chi-Violet and Noah.
We are incredibly proud of both our Head Pupils and their presentations. We look forward to the year ahead and all they will achieve in their new roles.

We are incredibly proud of our past pupil Harvey. Harvey was the highest performer in the country in GCSE classical Greek with full marks. We wish Harvey continued success with his A-levels at MGS.

A huge congratulations to our very own past pupil James. We are incredibly proud of James and his outstanding GCSE results today.
His results included the highest achievable grade 9 results (A**) James will continue his studies at MGS taking A-levels in Chemistry, Biology, Spanish and Italian.

A huge congratulations to our very own Dance teacher and past pupil Miss Elysia.
Elysia has received her A- level results today-achieving an outstanding A* and 3 further grade A’s. We are incredibly proud and wish her continued success as she begins her next educational chapter at York University to study Psychology.
Solum Per Vita- Foundation for life.

We are incredibly proud of our past pupil Dani Croston who is starring in a new musical at the Riverside Studio theatre in London this weekend. Dani who is studying a Vocal Bachelor of music degree at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, has a lead role in the new musical ‘ Run to the nuns’. She has already received rave reviews for her performance last night. Congratulations Dani, good luck this weekend. Solum per vita- Foundation for Life.
A fun filled start to the Summer term in EYFS, and excited to learn about our new topic on Transport.

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