In school today, children learnt about pioneering and inspirational women. Our juniors also explored the ideas of bias, stereotypes and equality and how to work towards a fairer future.
As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, Year 3 and 4 have learnt about the hardworking farmers who produce foods like bananas, sugar, chocolate and coffee. To reflect this, Year 3 and 4 used their hands to recreate the Fairtrade logo.

During STEM week, Early Years have been learning all about floating and sinking. The children first planned and designed their boats. We then tested the boats, predicting if they would sink or float. Finally we evaluated which materials floated and which which materials sank.

It is always a fun filled day of learning in our Early Years. Happy children make successful learners. Here is a snippet of today!

An interactive, immersive and educational visit enjoyed by Year 5&6.
The children gained some life changing experiences and knowledge during their visit to the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service training centre. All pupils were successful in completing the “Visit that could save a life” course. Well done Year 5&6.

As part of our work towards Anti-Bullying Week, the whole school have been focusing on #OneKindWord. They have been writing out stories of when others had shown them kindness. Watch this space to see all the stories altogether! #AntiBullyingWeek @abaonline

Our school councillors choosing our colouring competition winners ready to announce at the end of our #AntiBullyingWeek @abaonline

As part of Anti-Bullying Week @abaonline, Farrowdale staff are taking part in #OddSocksDay @andyoddsock All it takes is One Kind Word! Our uniqueness makes the world exciting!

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