Our autumn tray is set up In Early Years and ready for the children to explore this week 🍁
The children in Early Years have been decorating their individual peg dolls today. They have chosen their own doll to decorate so when they come in, in the mornings, they can find their doll and put it in the house to show that they have self registered. They have been so excited about painting them and are looking forward to using them on our signing in desk later in the week.
Today we found a butterfly and the children were so excited to look at it with a magnifying glass. We also spent some time looking through a book about minibeasts and identifying the different insects 🕷 🐛 🦋
- The opening round of the Delancey UK Schools Chess competition started during Chess club yesterday. Good luck to all of our competitors.
We are incredibly proud of both Joshua and Mitchell who received offers from The Crossley Heath Grammar School this week.
All your hard work and determination has been rewarded, congratulations.
Year 1 and 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their practical learning; planting and watering vegetable seeds. They will observe the results over the following weeks.
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