Spring into Science

Year 1 and 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their practical learning; planting and watering vegetable seeds. They will observe the results over the following weeks.


Brave the shave

We are extremely proud of our Year 5 pupil Christopher who will be Braving the Shave for Macmillan Cancer Support.
You can follow his story and make a donation using the following link, https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/christopher-tudor

Past pupil from MGS visits Farrowdale

We were pleased to welcome back one of our past pupils from The Manchester Grammar School today. James answered questions from our Year 6 pupils and gave them a real insight into their forthcoming next chapter at High School. Thank you for your time James.


Our Year 6 pupils were thrilled to deliver our Harvest donations to the Salvation Army, following our Harvest Assembly.

A huge thank you to all parents and relatives for your kind food donations.

First Class Honours

A huge congratulations to our former Farrowdale pupil, Emily Whitehead; graduating with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Psychology yesterday. Emily will now progress onto gaining her Masters. We are very proud of you Emily, well done!

Tesla Model X

A huge thank you to Lee Collins from Revilo for taking part in our STEM week and sharing his Tesla Model X with the staff and children today. The children were in awe and enjoyed learning about the technology and engineering of an electric car.



Chess Champions

Well done to our Farrowdale Chess Champions, who competed in the regional Chess Megafinal at Saddleworth School on Saturday. We are very proud of your achievements.