Year 3 & 4 Science

This week Year 3 and 4 began their exploring and observing investigation into what conditions plants thrive in. They have all planted sugar snap seedlings and will be observing how the temperature, light exposure and amount of water given can impact their growth.

Year 5&6 Science

In their science lessons this week, Year 5 and 6 were looking at the asexual reproductions of plants by taking cuttings of geraniums. These cuttings will be observed over the next few weeks to watch their new roots grow.


A very exciting day today! Our first egg is starting to hatch. All the children are very excited to see the chick tomorrow.

Sneaky peak!

A little sneaky peak at our Early Years classroom provision.
This half term we will be looking at the texts, ‘How to Grow a Dinosaur’ and ‘The Bad Seed’. We will be looking at the changes around Spring and we have set up the classroom so the children can explore these themes independently.

Valentine’s Day

We’ve been talking all about Valentine’s Day today and the children have been making little chocolates and cakes in the playdough area. We have also provided some rose quartz for the children to explore as this stone represents love ❤️ We look forward to making some little cards for the ones we love too!

Bread making

This week the children have been asking where bread comes from whilst eating their morning snack. We watched a video about the process of making bread and decided to make some of our own to deepen the children’s knowledge and understanding. The children loved the whole process, but they especially liked eating it!

Wolf Found!

Our posters have worked!!!!! We welcomed the wolf into our school and we have spent our morning finding out about wolves The wolf was very curious about our school and wanted to see everything…he paid a visit to each classroom!! We are so glad that we can help the wolf finally find his way back home