Bread making

This week the children have been asking where bread comes from whilst eating their morning snack. We watched a video about the process of making bread and decided to make some of our own to deepen the children’s knowledge and understanding. The children loved the whole process, but they especially liked eating it!

Wolf Found!

Our posters have worked!!!!! We welcomed the wolf into our school and we have spent our morning finding out about wolves The wolf was very curious about our school and wanted to see everything…he paid a visit to each classroom!! We are so glad that we can help the wolf finally find his way back home


Early years have had a very exciting week!! On Monday we found footprints in the frost and we identified them as an Arctic Wolf’s prints. We have read a story called ‘The Way Home for Wolf’, about a wolf who is trying hard to find his pack. All week we have been finding clues that the Arctic wolf is around school. We really want to help him find his way home. The children have designed ‘Lost’ posters to help find him and we have placed them inside and outside of our school. We hope they help us find him. We have also enjoyed some wolf painting, sensory trays and role play, all linked to wolves.

Sandwich making fun!

Year 1&2 have enjoyed writing their own instructions this week, some children in class and some learning online at home. The children then followed the instructions to make their own yummy jam sandwiches.


Last week we were learning all about Harvest.
We have talked about where our food comes from, looking at how we harvest the different fruits and vegetables. The children then used the vegetables in their play and role played making soup. One of the children made a list of ingredients that we would need and the next day we all made some delicious carrot soup!

The colour monster

The Colour Monster
Over the next two weeks, early years are focussing on their own emotions and have already completed lots of activities around the story. We have been colour mixing, threading, recognising our own emotions and talking about how we feel and also retelling the story. We can’t wait to share more activities with you all too!

Caterpillar find!

Today we found a very hairy caterpillar on our school playground. We carefully collected it with some leaves so we could investigate further. Together we looked at the pattern on the caterpillar and used that to help us identify it. We think it is a Scarlett Tiger Moth caterpillar. We then looked at the lifecycle of caterpillars, their habitats and their diet. We are going to be creating some wonderful art around what we have found this afternoon.


It’s all about the hedgehogs this week in Early Years at Farrowdale. We have been creating our own little hedgehogs using different media and materials and also learning facts about them too.