Parent Teacher Association
Who is the PTA?
All parents and teachers can be members of the PTA and are welcome to attend its meetings and take part in PTA events. Every year at the Annual General Meeting, members of the PTA elect an Executive Committee to take responsibility for carrying out the aims and objectives of the PTA and all members are welcome to put their names forward for election.
The role of the PTA
The key role of the PTA is to provide opportunities for regular contact between parents and teachers for the exchange of ideas and information for the good of the school and our children.
PTA Events
The Farrowdale House PTA organises a number of events throughout the year including the Halloween Disco; Christmas Fair; Spring Fair and Summer Ball. The aim of the events is for everyone to get together and have fun. They are a great opportunity to meet and spend time with other families from school.
Our fun events throughout the year are also a means of raising funds for additional items for the school. Amongst other things the PTA has funded, Year 6 leavers’ books, pantomime visit and some play equipment for the playground.
Get involved
There is a board in the entrance to the school where you will find some PTA information. There are lots of things you can do to support the PTA without being elected to the committee, for example:
- Giving ideas for events or helping to organise events.
- Helping out at events e.g. on a stall, decorating the hall, or on the door (rotas are usually on the board outside the staffroom)
- Donating prizes for raffles
- Giving us feedback about the PTA
Please feel free to approach any member of the committee if you would like to know more about the PTA.