The children and staff at Farrowdale had a fun filled trip to Gulliver’s World last week.
What a wonderful pirate day our Early Years had on Friday! The children decorated biscuits, completed a treasure hunt, ate lots of yummy pirate food, played games, got a tattoo and did lots of dancing!
A huge congratulations to the children of Farrowdale who completed the LAMDA Group Acting Examination. The Juniors attained a Distinction and KS1 a Merit- an amazing achievement!
Yesterday we celebrated Earth Day. We talked about how we could help our planet by saving water, walking to school, planting flowers and trees, turning off light, recycling and picking up litter.
This morning our Early Years went on a bug hunt! We found woodlice, slugs, beetles, earwigs, snails and worms. The children had so much fun.
To celebrate National Pet Month, we had a visit from our very own Sid! The children loved having Sid in school yesterday and all had the opportunity to pet him.
Well done to all the children entering our egg decorating competition today.
The standard was incredibly high again this year, with many amazing creative and imaginative entries.
A huge congratulations to all the Farrowdale pupils who completed their LAMDA examination last weekend. Well done for your bravery, confidence and enthusiasm. We are very proud of all our LAMDA pupils and would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Bacon for her dedication.
This week our EYFS learnt all about Christingle and had so much fun making their own to take home.
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